Grand Mira 4-H Club

Grand Mira 4-H Club was organized in 1929 as a Boy's Calf Club. The leader was Rev. J.J. Bryden.  He was assisted by Prof. Longley of N.S.A.C. and Ag. Rep. J.C.T. MacDonnell. There were ten boys in the club. Each boy purchased an Ayrshire Heifer calf and the Leader purchased a bull calf- all from N.S.A.C. in Truro. The first secretary of the club was Neil MacKinnon. The first prize money the boys earned was paid to them after their leader's death. It was in small five cent pieces in small metal banks.

In 1932 Marion Lahey, a teacher, organized a garment club and in 1932 a garden club. When Rev. Bryden left the community in 1937, Marion took on the responsibility of general leader which she holds until this day. She married Neil Mackinnon and now there are four generations of 4-H MacKinnons across Canada.

Over the years the Grand Mira Club participated in foods, crafts, poultry, sheep, woodworking, floriculture, photography, and self-determined projects in addition to the three original calf, garden, garment (now sewing). They have also participated in public speaking and demonstration competitions, square dancing, entertainment, bus tours, camps workshops and exhibition, Provincial Week-ends, Provincial Show, radio quizzes, county and provincial leaders' councils and Tug-of War.
The Club has hosted 4-Hers from almost every province of Canada. Many of our leaders, including Barb MacKinnon, have been awarded trips.

In 1984, Marion chaperoned 15 4-H members from the four counties in C.B. Island to Saskatchewan for ten days. An equal number and their leader returned with Cape Bretoners on an Open House Canadian Exchange.

In 1993 Shirley MacLeod from this club chaperoned a Connections Canada trip to Ontario.

Grand Mira also participated in the 75th anniversary celebration in November 1996 when 3 generations of Grand Mira 4-H'ers spoke on radio telling what 4-H did for them in helping them attain their goals in life.

All clubs in C.B. County are attempting to do more for the members because of fiscal restraint. On February 2, 1997 the county held a workshop where Marion MacKinnon from our club did "Public Speaking" and Ruth Mac Neil from Northside did "Demonstrations". They were well received and the attendance was great. Many parents attended along with 4-H leaders and members.

The second last weekend in May 1997 there will be a member's workshop and a sleep-over at Grand Mira Community Hall for 4-H members from Cape Breton and Richmond County. This year Grand Mira Club will be part of a joint Achievement Day at Mira Pasture with Rising Sun 4-H Club. It will also be followed by a sleepover.

Cape Breton County rallies are now entirely in the hands of the clubs. Each year a different club hosts the rallies. They are responsible for a place, judges and lunch. Grand Mira had their turn last year. It was a huge success.

Fund Raising is a big task for our club since we live in a small community. We try to raise enough money to take all our members and leaders to Provincial Show. We pay for accommodations, some meals and transportation.  To raise the funds we sell cheese and apple pies, tickets on a quilt made by our 4-H members and even-split tickets. We sell the tickets at events at the community pasture with the co-operation of its members.

Changes in 4-H that we have observed are that we are competing with other youth organizations, especially Sea Cadets. Uniforms and less work are the attractions to such groups. In 4-H, there is more rapport between leaders of different clubs.

We do not have enough 4-H Reps. as all Governments are cutting back their financial support. We will have to stand up and be counted as well as assuming more responsibilities.

4-H is helping our members in awards at School and in obtaining jobs. As an example: Grand Mira 4-Her's do well in speech in Kiwanis Festival every year. Our senior member, Sandra Macleod, was chosen from Riverview Rural High School to attend a Forum for Young Canadians in Ottawa during March Break, one of only twenty-eight students from Nova Scotia.