Cape Breton & Newfoundland

In the last will of Francois LeJeune dated November 25, 1837 we find the names of some of Francois' children. View a typed up version of the will.

It seems that Francois LeJeune marries Margaret Briard
He leaves to his children:
Alex ander Young $1.00
James Young $1.00
Francis Young $1.00
Benjamin Young $1.00
Gabriel 7 chains of land in the front, plus 1/2 and 1/8 of the land he now occupies
Philip or Phalen Young $1.00
John Young $1.00
Harriet (Young) Laffin Young $1.00
Modest (Young) Edwards $1.00
Mary (Young) Pentergrass 2 cows and 4 sheep
Fanny (Young) Quinn who m. James Quinn some land.
Rachel Young $1.00
Balance remaining to his wife Margaret Breur [Briard] LeJeune.

Also an interesting note: John, Philip and Rachel behave the best to their mother.

If you are a descendent of this family
Please send me a message and let me know how you fit in

Lark Szick

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These pages were created by Lark Szick
© Copyright All Rights Reserved. Jan 5, 2004

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